

In the last year I had gone through a really bad depression, which led to me going through the mental health system, but through that I realised a lot of my problems stemmed from 6 years earlier when I had come into recovery. I had dealt with the physical addiction, but never dealt with the problems that surrounded it, just carried on.

Then I started to talk to Fallen Angels and Chester Plus and this seemed like the right path to go to at the time.

Up until recently my life consisted of taking my kids to school, doing the shopping, and I was a hermit at home. I didn’t go out anywhere, I didn’t do anything. So just coming to Fallen Angels first of all got me out of the house doing things, and then opened up other opportunities, to see what’s around and has made me think where I want to be.

The workshops have let me express my fears and things that have happened in the past through dance. Last week got to me a lot. The dance we are doing has challenged me but I’m enjoying it as well. I finished the dance, dropped to the floor and burst out crying. Paul came over to see if I was ok and I explained it had closed another chapter for me, closed it in a good way, that it’s not going to seep out of a box and cause any more problems.
I had dealt with my addiction on my own, other peoples experiences and building up relationships, finding out that other people have gone through similar, really helps.

Now my life is very busy: workshops, performances, involved with Chester Plus- volunteering and becoming a trustee, and Cheshire Recovery Federation planning a recovery walk, and other opportunities. A couple of weeks ago I met some people in recovery in Manchester and just decided to go to their event in Manchester where I met another group of people in recovery and had another new positive experience. My friends and family network has grown so much.

I talk to my older children now about my addictions and past, they want to come on the Recovery Walk with me to support me, and back home in Bristol, I’m building stronger relations with my brother and of course my husband. He is encouraging me, we are talking a lot more. It’s made me talk a lot more I’m not hiding my emotions: I tell what I feel, it’s really good.

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"Being part of the company, working with people directly and contributing to group activities and performances is giving me a lot of confidence which I never really had before..."

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Reconnecting with her community and friends gave her safe space to test her boundaries in the studio

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“I lose myself in Fallen Angels without being conscious of it. I have improved so much and it has empowered me. It’s scary but exhilarating.”

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“given starting ways to do our own choreography and coming up with our own dances broke down the power dynamics between the facilitator and the group and has given us the ability and freedom to input into the design and delivery of the workshops”

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"These workshops give me the opportunity to channel my energy into something positive."

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"There is nothing out there like it. I 100% agree that it works and helps many in recovery."

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I think the Angels saved me as a person in recovery, and my sanity was saved throughout the difficult times that were ahead.

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"‘Together While Apart’ has completely helped me… with my focus, my self-discovery"

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" was as exhilarating as ever to be…. performing with my fellow travellers on the road to recovery and to be part of a piece that reflected Paul’s vision of hope for all those who have suffered the nightmare of addiction”

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"That first session brought me to tears, something had happened deep within me and the feeling of freedom and relaxation was something new and lovely for me.”

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