Doorways Summer 2021
Author: Amy Fox
Date: September 3rd 2021

This year Fallen Angels set out to capture various stages of our community out of our houses, back to our community & finding a new normal.
In the latest phase of this we find our Liverpool Angels in the doorway of MDI – Merseyside Dance Initiative and socially distanced on the steps of Liverpool Cathedral. The group are back in a studio, creating, making together. Here they are exploring and expressing their journey meeting again in Liverpool City Centre. The dancers were photographed by Liverpool-based freelance photographer Jazamin Sinclair.
The group are keen to forge links and partnerships in Liverpool to reach out to people in recovery and share their journey and their message of positive, visible recovery.
Earlier in the year talking about the concept of Doorways theme at Fallen Angels Artistic director Paul Bayes Kitcher explains: “People all over the country have been challenged by this year when we have been forced to stay in, work from home, forbidden from meeting friends and family or welcoming anyone in our homes.
“This resonates with people in recovery from addiction who often feel trapped behind their own personal door, lockdown or not. When our mental health is distorted we can have an altered perception of ourselves, like looking into a muddy lake and seeing a clouded reflection or looking into a cracked mirror.”
Paul, a former professional ballet dancer and recovering addict himself, used spiritual author Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now to spark creativity with his dancers.
He said: “The book is about quieting thoughts and seeing the world around us in the present moment which was a perfect launchpad for our movement and creativity.”
“Our true self is always the same and by quieting the noise pollution in the mind we can free ourselves from being trapped in our own personal doorway.”
To find out more about Fallen Angels Dance Theatre or to refer yourself or someone else contact