Fallen Angels Movement Announces Autumn Workshops 2024
Author: admin
Date: August 22nd 2024

This season we have lots of opportunities to join in workshops with Fallen Angels Movement team. Contact hello@fallenangelsdt.org
Fallen Angels Movement is the participation strand of Fallen Angels Dance Theatre. We deliver workshops in communities and lovely spaces across the North West of England. We have rebranded to bring the word “Movement” front and centre… our workshops are inclusive and accessible, if you can move you can join in, no experience necessary just a willingness to give it a go and try something new and different.
Why is “Movement” good for recovery? If you are in mental health or addiction recovery getting “out of the mind and into the body” is freeing and liberating, movement and creativity in a group makes you feel better.. Come along and try out a session today!
How to get involved: at Fallen Angels the first step to taking part is getting in touch with the team: hello@fallenangelsdt.org or you can self-refer through this form
Remember to leave your mobile phone number or preferred way to contact you 😊