January Update from our Marathon Runner
Author: admin
Date: January 13th 2023

Liz Montgomery gives us an update on her training progress in deepest darkest January
Follow her progress on Instagram Liz Montgomery (@lizrunslondon)
I am so excited to be the chosen runner for Fallen Angels Dance Theatre this year!
This brilliant charity is based up in my home City of Chester and is the ONLY company in the UK providing exceptional dance theatre experience for people recovering from addiction. They provide a place where people in recovery are valued, accepted and able to realise their potential.
This is achieved through both participation and performance. Dance workshops, projects and training are provided to help increase self-esteem, confidence and are a platform for achievement. They also allow individuals to build up their social networks in a safe and caring environment. Through live on-screen and public speaking, real life journeys for and about people in recovery help Fallen Angels Dance Theatre raise awareness and break down barriers and stigma surrounding addiction and mental health adversity. Such important work!
Even more so in the current climate, coming out of pandemic lockdowns, with job losses and with the cost of living crisis-our communities have more problems than ever so supporting their recovery is even more vital. But this doesn’t come for free which is why I’m so happy to run to raise money for Fallen Angels.
I’m not new to running-I have done quite a few races and ultra-marathons are my favourite at the moment. Running does keep me fit, but much more importantly for me, it helps me maintain good mental health. I’m very grouchy, unproductive and can’t sleep well if I don’t go out running at least a few times a week!
On-road marathons, like London, are not my usual type of run, and are a definite challenge for me. I’m usually found jogging slowly around the footpaths of Cheshire rather than slogging it out on tarmac but I can’t wait to get to London and enjoy that 26.2 miles.
More importantly, I want to raise as much money for Fallen Angels Dance Theatre to help keep their invaluable work going.
Please dig deep and donate what you can. Thank you!