Fallen Angels Movement weekly session in Chester supports local people in recovery from addiction and those living with a mental health conditions to transform their lives, through movement, creativity and connection.
Join in weekly workshops with people from across Cheshire West and Chester in movement and creativity. Plus, have the chance to join in with additional activities and after a time, our progressional pathway to develop your skills further.
Optionally participants can take part in community performances across Cheshire West and Leigh, Greater Manchester.
Weekly group workshops
What: Moving Recovery
When: Mondays 12-2pm
Where: Studio 1, Storyhouse, Hunter Street, Chester, CH1 2AR
Who: Adults in Recovery from addiction and those living with mental health conditions.
Additional activities include:
- Weekly wellbeing workshop on Wednesdays at Storyhouse
- Occasional group cultural visits, such as theatre trips to local venues
- Recovery social events
Progressional pathway:
Once you have been attending for a while there is chance to develop yourself further:
- Volunteer Supporting Angels take part in free training to build skills in how to support participants and creative work during workshops. There is also the opportunity to work towards a level 2 qualification in peer mentoring.
- Recovery Artists – for those who display particular flair in their movement and creative work, there are sometimes chances to get involved in Fallen Angels professional productions, which happen each year.
More about our weekly workshops
Moving Recovery Workshops and projects are led by professional dance artists from Fallen Angels through the artistic direction of Paul Bayes Kitcher – himself in recovery from addiction, with over 30 years professional experience in dance.
You can expect a high-quality experience including:
- physical warm-up
- exploration of our stories through creative movement
- cool down and stretches
- fun and laughter
The emphasis is on the group experience and achieving something special together. Some of our projects lead to performances when members of the group are ready and feel confident.
Wednesday Wellbeing group:
Is a small group activity that explores the current themes relating to lived experience and recovery through various desk based media: art, craft, creative writing
Contact us:
To take part, please contact hello@fallenangelsdt.org for more information.
You can find out how to refer someone here.
We can also offer taster sessions with local partners so your group can try out our workshop in your organisation.
This project is made possible through funding from National Lottery Reaching Communities, Chester Bluecoat Charity and Sanctuary Housing.
Read our participant journeys

“These workshops give me the opportunity to channel my energy into something positive.”
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