
Jacqueline* has been through a lot of trauma. She has lived experience of substance misuse, domestic violence, sexual violence and child sexual exploitation. She is currently under the care of Achieve services as well as CMHT.
She told us
“I love coming to the groups! I love the people and the groups and dancing. The tutors were brilliant and supportive. I find it quite hard being out and about as I get quite hyper. These workshops give me the opportunity to channel my energy into something positive”.
Jacqueline tends to isolate herself. She has been threatened on the estate where she lives and is often scared to go outside. To support her the team gave her lifts to workshops so that she could join in.
She looked forward to the theatre trip as it was around the date of the anniversary of her Dad’s death. In the lead up to this she said to us “This is what I need to carry me through a tough time”
She told us “I have had one trauma after another in my 38 years, I have been failed by services again and again and I have always wanted help and support”
Since working with FADT Jacqueline has been inspired to go back to college to study Health and Social care, saying she wants to invest time and energy into building a positive future.
She said “I have enjoyed my time with FADT and I feel that I am now beginning to come out of a dark place.”
*not her real name
Image: for illustration purposes only
Image credit: FADT