
Laura has become a Supporting Angel in Spreading Wings project:
My name is Laura and I have been volunteering for Fallen Angels for 3 years in April. I have volunteered in vast numbers of roles with different organisations in the past. as well as having a qualification in the arts.
Claire and Paul did some outreach in the community and came along to a group I was involved in. I went along to a session at Storyhouse and didn’t leave. I remember my first day so clearly. The first big project I was involved in was “Rituals” aka Tom walker “I will leave the light on”. This project was so close to all our hearts it left a message of hope. My journey had just begun. Being someone who had struggled with addiction and mental health fallen angels definitely felt like home. I can safely say that it has been a lifeline.
There is nothing out there like it. I 100% agree that it works and helps many in recovery. You may ask yourself why? Well, you just have to look at the people who participate and hear their passion to believe. I also have very complex health conditions as well as being Autistic. Fallen Angels has allowed me to realise my full potential offering guidance and training along the way. It almost feels like I was meant to do it. Mentoring others and watching them grow through their journey is so rewarding. I could not imagine being part of anything else. Fallen Angels really is a lifeline I cannot thank the organisation enough.
This year at Spreading Wings assisting Paul whilst working towards a performance was an absolute honour. To feel trusted not only by Paul but the other Angels in giving them direction was an amazing experience. I felt true pride and a sense of self-worth. Paul is a fantastic artistic director, to be able to have an insight on how he sees dance and recovery on a personal level just blew my mind.
Amongst all this I was able to complete the first unit of the OCN qualification in peer mentoring, as well as start the second unit. This is something I thought I would struggle with as learning does not come easy to me. Claire really did an amazing job of sectioning out the learning in bitesize chunks and allowing time to do the assignments there and then. With the assisted learning I feel like I can do it and I now have more confidence in myself. I have developed a better understanding of what is to be a good mentor.
I also feel I have become more patient not only with Fallen Angels, but in my everyday life also. I feel like I truly belong and myself worth has increased also. I don’t not have as many meltdowns as I used to nor as many mental health slips. I am able to go places without support, so I feel I have gained a lot more independence. I wish to share the whole experience with the National Lottery. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank to the National Lottery for their continued support. People like me would not get chances like this anywhere else. After all Fallen Angels Dance Theatre is one of a kind.
Photo credit: Kat Hannon