Our Impact
Why dance and recovery?
Addiction has a devastating impact of people’s lives. People in recovery have already taken enormous steps to acknowledge and address the impact of addiction in their lives. Our methods link creative dance practice to recognisable processes in addiction rehabilitation.
Fallen Angels Dance Theatre believes creativity and arts participation is a human right. Our social impact aims are to improve wellbeing and inclusion for the people who take part in our work. We offer a platform for personal growth and achievement.
Set in their own communities, people with no previous experience of dance are welcomed into our outreach programmes. The evidence-led approach can be truly transformative – helping people in recovery to increase confidence, improve physical and mental health and rebuild social networks.
We aim to build compassion and understanding around addiction. We dismantle the stigma of addiction and build sector skills in participatory arts and health. For audiences, involvement and inclusion of people in recovery challenges the public’s perceptions of what can be achieved. We believe dance as an artform is enriched by including a diverse range of participants and by placing recovery stories centre stage in artistic processes. Read more here
Supporting change for people in recovery
As an arts charity that promotes recovery from addiction, we’re strong advocates for recovery-engaged arts practice. We link up with sector allies including Messy Connections, New Note Orchestra and Outside Edge Theatre Company, Portraits in Recovery to nurture and amplify the distinctive voices practitioners and people in recovery bring to creative arts. Read More Here
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Why Progress Matters
Personal development and seeing progress are vital to recovery from addiction. Progress is key to developing what is known as Recovery Capital. Here we explore what recovery capital is and why it is important. Read more here
Annual Report
2022/23 Annual Report here
2021/22 Annual Report here