Together While Apart – C19 Online

Together While Apart – C19 Online

We have been delivering a holistic online programme for 50 adults in recovery from addiction – from our recovery groups – in Cheshire, Merseyside and Leigh, Greater Manchester since the first Lockdown in 2020. The youngest participant is 23 and the oldest is 70. This has included a weekly timetable of creative dance workshops on Zoom and an interactive Facebook group so that participants have a safe platform to communicate.

Our Zoom group sessions have offered a range of positive outcomes for those taking part including:

  • Improved physical & emotional wellbeing through movement and self-expression
  • Greater feelings of connectedness and friendship for those who are socially isolated
  • Increased confidence, self-esteem and interest in arts & culture
  • Opportunities to develop volunteering skills

We have supported recovery journeys, encouraged and maintained engagement and facilitated micro projects that the participants have led to harness our holistic approach to challenging both mind and body.

During this time we have created three unique Zoom films, which charter our beneficiaries creativity through the Covid 19 Pandemic:

Doorways of perception


Together While Apart

Alongside the creative elements we have supported beneficiaries further during the pandemic with: 

Buddy System

We set up a buddy system during lockdown “It gave me something else to focus on whilst lockdown was in place. From my experience, it helped myself and my buddy feel more connected and not alone.” (participant).

Check-in meetings

Since lockdown Fallen Angels has met twice weekly through our Check in meetings.

“…we listen to stories, share experiences and now we are all a bit closer.” participant

Inspirational sharing

During the check-in meetings we have also included inspiration sharing from group members and very special guests. We were thrilled to host talks from Robert Fox, Philip Mosely, Kate Flatt and Russell Maliphant.

Funding support

We are so grateful to the generous support during these challenging times. A very big thank you to: Cheshire Community Foundation, Cheshire West and Chester, The Worshipful Company of Grocers, Evan Cornish Foundation, National Lottery, Pilkington Trust, Steel Charitable Trust, Steve Morgan Foundation, and The Westminster Foundation for helping us to deliver this project.

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