2025 Recovery In Motion – Salford

2025 Recovery In Motion – Salford

“Fallen Angels is a place where I feel people understand me and where I can be myself without being judged.” Participant

Weekly workshops: Wednesday’s 10am – 12pm 15, 22, 29 January, 5 February, 26 February, 5, 12, 26 March, 2 April.

Where: KNT Studios: 114 Chapel St, Salford, M3 5DW

Fallen Angels Movement sessions are for people in recovery or affected by addiction living in Salford.

To book into a workshop contact: jo@fallenangelsdt.org or hello@fallenangelsdt.org

Why join in?? Here is a low down on the benefits:

  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Stronger social connections
  • New skills and opportunities
  • A sense of belonging and purpose








Here is a video from a previous project to give you a taste of what it’s like!

Frequently Asked Questions about Recovery in Motion

Do you need to have any experience to take part?

The quick answer is “no!”, this activity is all about introducing the concept of getting out of your mind and into your body. 

We start with breath work and explore different “recovery related” ideas and concepts through movement to improve wellbeing.  

It’s simple, everyday movement, which helps to calm busy minds. 

What do I need to wear? 

Loose, comfortable clothing that you can move in. 

Who can participate? 

Any one in recovery from addiction or affected by addiction ie. family or carers.

Do you need to live in Salford to take part? 


Is it fun? 

Yes! We have lots of fun at Fallen Angels, we don’t take ourselves too seriously.

Who is leading the workshops? 

We have a person-centred approach to workshops, our leaders are experienced in creating a “safe space” for everyone to feel valued and at ease and welcome. We work as a whole and in small groups so you can get to know other people and create a sense of unity as a group. 

Do I need to be confident to take part? 

Most people who join Fallen Angels projects are unsure and can feel worried. Recovery is all about “feeling the fear and doing it anyway”. This is a new project, so it’ll be everyone’s first time, if you commit to the project then it will really help to build recovery capital, self esteem and confidence.  

Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

This project has been funded by Acheive Asset fund through Salford CVS and 10 GM


Previous projects: 

Recovery in Motion 2023:

Fallen Angels in Bolton and Salford project is a programme of  free-of-charge creative movement workshops for those with lived experience or affected by addiction.

We are an innovative charity run by people with lived experience of addiction and explore recovery through mindfulness and movement, led by professionals.

The emphasis is on the group experience and achieving something special together.

For more information and how to book a place contact: claire@fallenangelsdt.org. Or you can self refer here

Dates – Bolton: Tuesday, 1pm  – 3pm

Venue – Bolton: Octagon Theatre Studio, Howell Croft S, Bolton BL1 1SB

Dates – Salford: Thursdays  11am – 1pm.

Venue – Salford: StART, Brunswick House, 62 Broad Street, Salford, M6 5BZ


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