Spreading Wings – a look back
Author: admin
Date: January 24th 2024

As we fast approach the celebration event for the end of the third year of Spreading Wings project in Chester, Leigh and Greater Manchester we are looking back at how far we have come.
Check out the films below and read more about the project below.
Spreading Wings Film Year 1
Spreading Wings Film Year 2
Fallen Angels is nearing the end of our “Spreading Wings” three year project that started in April 2021 through funding from National Lottery Reaching Communities. With the Angels we have developed a thriving dance theatre community for and with local people in addiction recovery & those living with mental health conditions.
The project has developed into a “hub” of activity based at Storyhouse in Chester with:
- Participatory dance theatre workshops across Cheshire West and Leigh in Greater Manchester
- Tailored CPD sessions for “Supporting Angel” volunteers, with 7 Angels achieving their Level 2 qualification in Mentoring and others working with Artistic Director Paul Bayes Kitcher developing their Artistic skills: including development for ‘Faustus: That Damned Woman’ bringing their lived experience through words and movement to support the development of characters and of the choreography
- Live dance theatre performances – at a diverse range of venues including Storyhouse Theatre, Chester Cathedral, Share Shop’s Cultural event, Countess of Chester Hospital’s Bowmere Unit and other community events including: Chester Pride.
- Peer led community outreach – with workshops and sessions across Cheshire West and in Leigh Greater Manchester including Chester’s VIA drug & alcohol service, Café 71, ForFutures, BAC O’Connor (Leigh), Well Woman Centre and the Kindness Café, Making Space, Elysium Health, Young Storyhouse
- Peer group excursions – including theatre performances of The Snow Queen, Faustus: That Damned Woman, and Illegal Dance at Storyhouse Theatre
- Group volunteering – participants co-created several events within Storyhouse’s Festivals, Front of House at Fallen Angels Events, and peer-leading on the development of bi-annual Recovery Socials.
- Awareness raising – Our performances, public speaking in the community, online films and articles in the press are a great way for our group with lived experiences to raise awareness that recovery is not only possible, but at Fallen Angels our members are thriving and achieve incredible creativity, connection and unity together!